For John (Rizzo)

Today my brother died.
I want the whole world to know
My brother died.

Days when we played in the woods and in the old swimming hole
A slide down the apple orchard hill in winter on cardboard
Defending me when the boys in school ridiculed me in my first bra
Advising me on the purchase of my first rock albums,
Led Zeppelin's, "Zeppelin"; Traffic's, "John Barleycorn is Dead", Cream's "Disraeli Gears" -

All these fond memories come back to me in vivid recollection.
I'll never again see the steady gaze of his gray-blue eyes or
Marvel at the size of his work worn hands or
Hear him sing the Beach Boys in his high falsetto
When he thinks that no one is listening.

Every time I see an old restored Ford vehicle I'll think of him
As I will when I see a pipe fitter in one of those funny little hats they wear.
So excuse me while I cry a tear, or two
Because you were my brother, and how I loved you!
And every time I drink a cup of coffee
I'll remember how you, John, loved it too,
And think a toast, "This one's for you."

You may be gone, But you shall not be forgotten.

With love and sadness, your sister, Geri*


*John passed away July 9, 2002, a good soul who has gone to greener pastures, no doubt, but we miserable human beings are the ones to suffer when we lose a loved one... they are at peace!

** July 9, 2003... A year has passed, John, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and hold my memories of you dear, and I know your wonderful widow, Glenna, feels the same.